首页 > Java > 规则引擎入门



在使用之前,我们要先导入 jar 包:


一. 使用零配置的方式:

1. 规则引擎入口:

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import org.jeasy.rules.api.Facts;
import org.jeasy.rules.api.Rules;
import org.jeasy.rules.api.RulesEngine;
import org.jeasy.rules.core.DefaultRulesEngine;
import org.jeasy.rules.core.RulesEngineParameters;
import org.junit.Test;

 * @author bridgeli
public class ThreeEightRuleTest {

    public void testRule() {
         * 创建规则执行引擎
         * 注意: skipOnFirstAppliedRule意思是,只要匹配到第一条规则就跳过后面规则匹配
        RulesEngineParameters parameters = new RulesEngineParameters().skipOnFirstAppliedRule(true);
        RulesEngine rulesEngine = new DefaultRulesEngine(parameters);
        Rules rules = new Rules();
        rules.register(new EightRule());
        rules.register(new ThreeRule());
        rules.register(new ThreeEightRuleUnitGroup(new EightRule(), new ThreeRule()));
        rules.register(new OtherRule());
        Facts facts = new Facts();
        for (int i = 1; i <= 50; i++) {
            //规则因素,对应的name,要和规则里面的@Fact 一致
            facts.put("number", i);
            rulesEngine.fire(rules, facts);

这个是判断 1- 50 里面,哪些是 3 的倍数、哪些是 8 的倍数、哪些是 3 和 8 的倍数。

2. 各种规则的实现:

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Action;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Condition;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Fact;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Priority;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Rule;

 * @author bridgeli
@Rule(name = "被8整除")
public class EightRule {

    public boolean isEight(@Fact("number") int number) {
        return number % 8 == 0;

    public void eightAction(@Fact("number") int number) {
        System.out.print(number + " is eight");

    public int getPriority() {
        return 2;

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Action;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Condition;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Fact;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Priority;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Rule;

 * @author bridgeli
@Rule(name = "被3整除", description = "number如果被3整除,打印:number is three")
public class ThreeRule {
     * 条件判断注解:如果return true, 执行Action
     * @param number
     * @return
    public boolean isThree(@Fact("number") int number) {
        return number % 3 == 0;

     * 执行方法注解
     * @param number
    public void threeAction(@Fact("number") int number) {
        System.out.print(number + " is three");

     * 优先级注解:return 数值越小,优先级越高
     * @return
    public int getPriority() {
        return 1;

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Rule;
import org.jeasy.rules.support.UnitRuleGroup;

 * @author bridgeli
@Rule(name = "被3和8同时整除", description = "这是一个组合规则")
public class ThreeEightRuleUnitGroup extends UnitRuleGroup {
    public ThreeEightRuleUnitGroup(Object... rules) {
        for (Object rule : rules) {

    public int getPriority() {
        return 0;

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Action;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Condition;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Fact;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Priority;
import org.jeasy.rules.annotation.Rule;

 * @author bridgeli
@Rule(name = "既不被3整除也不被8整除", description = "打印number自己")
public class OtherRule {
    public boolean isOther(@Fact("number") int number) {
        return number % 3 != 0 || number % 8 != 0;

    public void printSelf(@Fact("number") int number) {

    public int getPriority() {
        return 3;

二. MVEL 的方式

除了上面的方式我们还可以通过 MVEL 的方式实现。我们首先也是看入口

1. 规则入口:

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import org.jeasy.rules.api.Facts;
import org.jeasy.rules.api.Rule;
import org.jeasy.rules.api.Rules;
import org.jeasy.rules.api.RulesEngine;
import org.jeasy.rules.core.DefaultRulesEngine;
import org.jeasy.rules.mvel.MVELRule;
import org.jeasy.rules.mvel.MVELRuleFactory;
import org.jeasy.rules.support.YamlRuleDefinitionReader;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.io.FileReader;

 * @author bridgeli
public class ShopTest {

    public void testMvel() throws Exception {

        Rule ageRule = new MVELRule()
                .name("age rule")
                .description("Check if person's age is > 18 and marks the person as adult")
                .when("person.age > 18")
                .then("person.setAdult(true); System.out.println(\"Shop: OK, you are allowed to buy alcohol\");");
        MVELRuleFactory ruleFactory = new MVELRuleFactory(new YamlRuleDefinitionReader());
        Rule alcoholRule = ruleFactory.createRule(new FileReader("src/main/resources/alcohol-rule.yml"));

        Rules rules = new Rules();

        RulesEngine rulesEngine = new DefaultRulesEngine();
        System.out.println("Tom: Hi! can I have some Vodka please?");

        Person person = new Person();
//        person.setAge(20);
        Facts facts = new Facts();
        facts.put("person", person);

        rulesEngine.fire(rules, facts);


2. yml 配置文件

name: "alcohol rule"
description: "children are not allowed to buy alcohol"
priority: 2
condition: "person.isAdult() == false"
  - "System.out.println(\"Shop: Sorry, you are not allowed to buy alcohol\");"

这里面需要一个 person 对象,其实很简单

3. person 对象

package cn.bridgeli.demo.rule;

import lombok.Data;

 * @author bridgeli
public class Person {
    private String name;

    private boolean adult;

    private int age;

简单使用了一个 lombok 插件,相信大家都知道这是什么,也可以不用,使用 get、set 方法,所以不做介绍了。

通过这两个雷子,我们就可以随心所用的使用规则引擎了,消除我们代码中的各种 if、else 判断,体现了设计模式的开闭原则。


全文完,如果本文对您有所帮助,请花 1 秒钟帮忙点击一下广告,谢谢。

作 者: BridgeLi,https://www.bridgeli.cn
分类: Java 标签: ,
  1. 本文目前尚无任何评论.
